Our Story

We are a family run apiary based out of Quakertown, Pa.
Back in 2012, we started off with one hive in the front yard.
Even though this hive didn't make it through that year, it started us on our beekeeping journey.
Through many classes, conferences and help from other beekeepers, we have learned better ways to take care of our bees. This education has helped maintain our hive growth over the years and sustain life throughout our northeast winters.
 In 2022, Mike made beekeeping his full-job, with the family helping him with extraction, bottling and shows.
As of 2023, our daughter, Sarah assists fulltime, working in the bee yards aside of her dad. We have grown to about 250 hives.
We offer local honey sales, spreadable honey products, 100% homemade beeswax candles, pollination, nuc and queen bee sales.